Dive into the heart of Vancouver International College with our extensive photo gallery.
Our photo gallery shows what it’s like at Vancouver International College. It has pictures of our school events and happy faces on graduation day. These photos show what life at VIC is really like.
Graduations 2025
- January 29th, Grads
- January 4th, Grads
- March Graduation
- April Graduation
- May Graduation
- June Graduation
- July Graduation
- August Graduation
- November 29, Grads
- November, Grads
Graduations 2024

Vancouver International College is the sister school of Sprott Shaw Language College.
A Division of Global Education Communities Corp.
DLI # O19283898312

549 Howe St, 8th Floor,
Vancouver, BC V6C 2C2
Vancouver, BC V6C 2C2

(604) 893-8423
Stay up-to-date with our latest news, events, and courses by following our school on social media.