Interpreting and Translation-Korean 🇰🇷

From Seoul to Vancouver:
Become a Pro in Korean to English Translation

The Interpreting and Translation-Korean program offers an 8-week intensive course, enhancing English and Korean language skills and providing essential tools for effective interpretation and translation in various professional fields.

“IT-K was challenging yet rewarding, enhancing my daily language skills and interpreting fundamentals. Successfully passing the ITT exam after the course was a gratifying achievement”

-Gillian ITK Student, Korea

About ITK program

Explore the Interpreting and Translation-Korean program: Immerse in an 8-week intensive course to master bilingual fluency, and acquire key interpretation and translation skills for a successful career in global communication.

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Who We Are

Explore academic excellence at VIC, where quality education meets practical experience. Our dedicated faculty and modern facilities in vibrant Vancouver prepare students for successful careers in a dynamic learning environment.

Completing IT-K enhances career prospects and resumes, providing partial credit for the ITT licensing exam. Graduates can pursue careers in interpretation, translation, communication management, foreign correspondence, international business, and government roles.

Admission Criteria

International students seeking admission must pass the Vancouver International College Entrance Interview and provide either a recognized international English test score (TOEFL CBT 173 / iBT 61, TOEIC 650, IELTS 5.5) or pass our entrance exam for the 8-week, 212-hour Diploma Program.

VIC 통번역(IT-K)은 인텐시브한 트레이닝을 통해 어휘, 문법, 청취, 영작, 말하기 등 전반적인 영어실력은 물론, 각 전문분야의 지식까지 향상시킬수 있는 프로그램입니다. 독해, 암기에 바탕을 둔 비효율적인 교육방식에서 나온 자신의 초보적인 영어실력에 만족하지 못한 학생들에게 직독직해가 아닌 의미전달에 중점을 둔 통번역 연습, 원어민 강사와 함께하는 시뮬레이션 통역 등 다양한 수업방식을 통해 전형적인 ESL 프로그램과는 질적으로 다른 영어를 배울 수 있는 기회가 될 것입니다. 또한 대한민국 법무부에서 인증하는ITT시험으로 공인번역사 자격증까지 취득하면서 자신의 실력을 검증해 볼 수 있습니다. 다른 학교와 비교되지 않는 독보적인 교과과정과 최고의 강사진으로 캐나다 언어연수의 진수를 보여드립니다.

Interpreting and Translation-Korean (IT-K) is an 8-week intensive program in the fields of interpretation and translation, designed to upgrade students’ linguistic skills in both Korean and English and to provide students with a competitive edge for any future endeavours. Our specialized curriculum was created in-house by our curriculum design team and is delivered by our exceptional team of instructors.


Class Time

Monday  – Friday
9 am – 2.30 pm

Start Dates 

December 19
January 23
February 21
March 20
April 17
May 15
June 12
July 10
August 8
September 5
October 3
October 30
November 27



Transforming Language Skills into Global Opportunities with IT-K


1. 의료와 보건 Health Care

캐나다 의료체계에 대한 소개와 함께, 건강문제와 관련하여 흔히 쓰이는 관용 표현과 필수 의학전문 용어를 배워 실제 상황에서 의사소통할 수 있도록 학습합니다.

Students will learn and be able to use field-specific jargon. Students also learn about the Canadian healthcare system as well as the specialized medical terms and common expressions used in doctor-patient interactions.


2. 대중문화 Entertainment

영화, 음악, 티비, 스포츠 등 각종 엔터테인먼트 및 대중문화 이해, 토론에 필요한 어휘를 학습하고, 외래어와는 다르게 실제 영어권에서 쓰이는 표현을 배움으로써 문화적 차이도 이해합니다.

Entertainment, whether it be music, TV shows or movies, has a powerful influence on culture and how we experience it. Language is also fundamental to cultural expression. To that end, the role of the translator and interpreter is often key in bridging cultural differences and making the incomprehensible clear. In this course, students will gain a greater understanding of the role of the translator and interpreter in the entertainment field and enhance their knowledge of the entertainment industry through an examination of movies, television shows, music and pop-culture.


3. 경제 Business & Economics

취업, 연봉 협상, 기업 인수합병, 시장 상황 등 경제 전반을 이해하는데 필요한 경제 용어와 표현을 습득하여 추후 직장 또는 외국기업과의 거래시 활용할 수 있도록 합니다.

Students will get a foundation in current economic trends, job markets, employment, marketing, and business terminology that will give them an advantage a head start in potential employment and business management. The class will examine and discuss real-life case studies of bankruptcies, mergers, and acquisitions as well as the global financial crisis. Students will have a chance to practice and consolidate their skills through dialogues and in-class exercises.


4. 국제 이슈 International Interests

환경, 인권, 테러, 북한 핵문제 등 다양한 국제적인 문제를 다루고, 이에 관련된 어휘와 표현을 학습함으로써 시사 문제에 관련된 영어 실력을 향상시킵니다.

In our globalized society, staying competitive means staying relevant. Students will be introduced to current events and controversial issues, including the threats of global terrorism and climate change, as well as the human rights moment and grass-roots activism, in order to their understanding of the events that drive global change and broaden their perspectives.


5. 세계의 문화 International Culture 

세계 각 나라마다 다른 전통과 관습을 배우고 이에 관련된 어휘를 익히면서 문화적 배경을 이해하는 것이 영어 실력 향상에 필수적이라는 것을 이해합니다.

Understanding culture and its impact on language acquisition and development is imperative in producing accurate interpretation and translation. In this unit, students will learn about the customs, traditions, cultural values, superstitions, and sense of humour that are unique to various countries in order to achieve better contextualization and accuracy.


6. 사회 문제 Society

우리 사회가 현재 겪고 있는 사회적 이슈들과 그에 대한 다양한 의견을 접해보고, 보다 심도있는 토론을 위한 어휘와 효과적인 의사 표현, 전달법을 학습합니다.

In this unit, students learn about and discuss various social issues common to many societies, including homelessness, same-sex marriage, and abortion, with a goal towards a more nuanced understanding of the issues and a greater ability to produce an unbiased, impartial, and accurate rendering in their interpretation and translation work.


7. 법과 질서 Law

캐나다 법률제도에 대한 전반적인 이해와 형사, 민사 소송에서 쓰이는 상식적인 법률 용어 및 기본 지식을 습득한 후 다양한 소송이나 재판 상황을 통역하거나 번역해보는 기회를 갖습니다.

Students get an understanding of the basic framework of the Canadian legal system, as well as the differences between criminal, civil, and common law. Students also learn the legal terms and jargon necessary for accurate interpretation and translation.


8. 인간관계와 성격 People

사람의 성격을 표현하거나 친구, 남녀, 직장내 관계 등 사회생활에서 흔히 접할 수 있는 다양한 어휘와 구어체 표현을 배우고, 통번역시 보다 생동감있는 의미 전달을 하도록 학습합니다.

Students learn how to describe different personality traits, characteristics, and tendencies in people and how to describe them; a challenging task as Korean and English both heavily employ colloquial expressions and idioms that are distinctive and exclusive to each language, making the interpreting and translation work all the more difficult.

Our schools are accredited and affiliated with all levels of government and industries.




(604) 893-8423


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Vancouver International College is the sister school of Sprott Shaw Language College.

A Division of Global Education Communities Corp.